
name: julieanna
alias[es]: julie, jules, stretch, gazelle, elkie, tall girl, boss, string bean, mabel (or was it myrtle?..), jolly green giant
starsign: stereotypical sagittarius
birthday: november 29th.

here's all you need to know:
6' tall.
beer snob.
reforming insomniac.
oh, and my legs are longer than yours.

my favorites

post secret
my inspiration
waiter rant

in a nutshell:
the good...
... and the bad
flickr pics
myspace = addiction

shameless plugs:
dp226 (jim)
ayyyy dios mio! (bradley)
the easily amused (james)
tell me a story... (noelle)

requisite viewing =p :
particle man


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i finally got a [for the most part] definite answer from him about going to saratoga for the DMB shows. i didnt think that hearing a 'no' was going to hurt. but for some reason, i'm rather torn up about that 'no'. i think its because i know that that was probably going to be my only opportunity to hang out with him before he moves across the country. my only chance to say goodbye. and that hurts.

and to add insult to injury, all of our air conditioners are broken, so im sweating like a hooker in church! couldnt even take a comfortable nap. i think i'll go for a drive.

jules was lost in thought at 7:37 PM
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Sunday, May 21, 2006

as usual, lauren and i went out to eat tonight, followed by our usual drive. some highlights:

me: hey, you wanna go running through those sprinklers?
lauren: sure... wait, what if they have some fertilizer crap in them. wait, actually, that might help me.

me: (pointing to bird poo on my windshield) EWW when did that get there?!
lauren: thats been there the whole time
me: why didnt i see it?!
lauren: because it's clear. maybe its bird pee. you never see bird pee
Me: they dont need to pee. they poo liquid. its liek when you have diahrea, you dont pee as much because youre just pooing liquid.

seriously, we're sick.

lauren, you made a wonderful DJ tonight, picking the perfect song for every moment of our drive.

hjuigfbvjkhrghnghhgc BABY! kawkjIO#RHidbg wasab Blwah.... oh im spent, hold on :p

jules was lost in thought at 1:48 AM
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

so i took a great road trip up to Falls Village with my mom and dad today. it was such a nice time!! the waterfall was MASSIVE because of the two weeks of rain we've had.

pictures will be available soon in my webshots page.

there was also a KILLER german restaurant right near the waterfall. best.bratwurst.ever.

anyone interested in reliving the road trip with me, let me know!! the waterfall is too cool to be missed, and is less than an hour away

jules was lost in thought at 11:05 PM
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

so it looks like ryan cancelled his massive poker tourney, which was supposed to take place this saturday (may 20th). now how am i supposed to spend my saturday?!

oh wait, thats right, sleep until 2pm, go to dinner with lauren, and then go to gwen's going away party. huh. so its actually a good thing ryan cancelled.

oh, and jonah is planning a 2-day tourney on sunday and monday. yeah, that'll work. :o)

i need another job.

jules was lost in thought at 5:49 PM
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

WARNING: stereotypical female rantings ahead

so i realized quite a while ago that i have wasted an immense amount of time on someone who clearly does not care about me anymore, but it just hit me tonight just how starkly different our relationship is now than it was several months ago.

this person may have sincerely cared about me like 3 months ago, but has, for all intents and purposes fallen off the face of the earth. i talk with his friends more than i talk with him. he used to call me almost every day when he got out of work. i think it's been a week since i talked to him on the phone, at the least, and the conversation was less than climatic. cute text messages? yeah, i'd get those. now i'd be lucky to get a 'hi'.

saying this is mildly disgruntling is a bit of an understatement. i put an exceptional amount of energy into this person. i risked a lot for this person, including my self-respect. i bent over backwords to fit into their world, and now i have nothing. maybe this person is just incredibly busy, because they do have their own life, but seriously, how long does it take to call someone just to tell them you are thinking about them? yeah, about 30 seconds. its just frustrating when you feel so close to someone only to realize that what you may mistook for a deep friendship now feels like nothing more than a joke, which is a horrible way to feel, but that about sums up my mentality right now.

of course, i know myself well enough to know that if this person calls, texts, or gets in touch with me, i'll be angry for likr 5 minutes that it took that long, then be happy. because when it comes right down to it, i am your stereotypical girl. and i hate that.

in brighter news, tomorrow is poker night at jonah's and i sincerely cannot fucking wait. i cant wait to school these boys. its gonna be a delicious warmup to ryan's huge poker touney on saturday :o)

jules was lost in thought at 1:05 AM
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Saturday, May 13, 2006

summer plans, homies

aside from of course wokring my ass off to pay my bills, that is

1. belmont stakes :o)

2. DMB in saratoga june 16th and 17th. going hippie-style on that shit and camping out, of course

3. RI beach house june 19th-26th. im either gonna do a beach house like 5 minutes from scaroborough or camping at berlingame (right near misquamicut). ask me if you want in, even if its just for a night or two

4. beach beach beach. this is the good thing about my job, it affords me days during the week off, which means i get to hit the beach on non-busy days. woot woot!

4a. i was promised two intersting beach excursions this summer. lauren and lindsay, you two better pay up on your promises. i already have the boy band mix ready, and my grandma wig and big-ass sunglasses are screaming to be used.

5. hopefully king's dominion for a weekend, since ive been trying to do this for years

6. getting two more tattoos

7. NYC. i have to make at least one more stab at this modeling thing before i miss my opportunity. that being said...

8. gym membership. UGH. its high time i get in shape though, so might as well start now. going down to cardio express tomorrow actually to get my membership. maybe if im paying that will be motivation enough for me

9. get my insomnia in check/eliminated. i want to actually see the sun at some point this summer, aside from when im coming home from a night at work, thanks.
10. foxwoods as often as possible. enter poker tourney, since i missed that huge one in april.
11. every tuesday night, you'll be able to find me in hartford, playing poker with my boys to prep for the aforementioned. oh YEAH, huge poker tourney at ryan's place may 20th. 30 players max. $50 to play. $600 to the winner, $400 to second, $200 to third, and i think $100 to fourth, fifth and sixth. not too shabby, eh? theres still like 5 spaces available, so if youre down tell me asap
12. gwen's going away party, also may 20th
13. beach trip with the belden brigade (complete with the drunken barbequing like last summer)
dear lord, there is not going to be enough time this summer. there's more, but damnit i need to go to bed

jules was lost in thought at 6:02 AM
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Thursday, May 04, 2006

today was a great day.

this entire weekend looks to be shaping up to be splendid as well.

why is it that as soon as the weather turns slightly sunnier, our dispositions turn to match it? it makes no nevermind, but just thought i'd share.


jules was lost in thought at 6:51 PM
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