
name: julieanna
alias[es]: julie, jules, stretch, gazelle, elkie, tall girl, boss, string bean, mabel (or was it myrtle?..), jolly green giant
starsign: stereotypical sagittarius
birthday: november 29th.

here's all you need to know:
6' tall.
beer snob.
reforming insomniac.
oh, and my legs are longer than yours.

my favorites

post secret
my inspiration
waiter rant

in a nutshell:
the good...
... and the bad
flickr pics
myspace = addiction

shameless plugs:
dp226 (jim)
ayyyy dios mio! (bradley)
the easily amused (james)
tell me a story... (noelle)

requisite viewing =p :
particle man


March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009

Monday, January 30, 2006

waiting for my class to begin, im sitting in CUE, with a computer in front of me and all these useless thoughts running through my head. so since these words are all i have right now, i'll write them.

i think im happy with where my life is heading.

i love my job. aside from one, my classes are actually a joy to go to this semester, as opposed to the usual drag. i have friends that rock my socks. i've reconnected with a friend that should not have been lost in the first place. i'm making new friends. i feel healthy. granted, im not taking those jujutsu classes anymore, but im too out of shape to start somethign that intense. instead, yoga has been putting my mind at ease. i have no clue what i'm going to do with myself once i graduate, but it doesnt matter. thats a year from now, so why worry about what is out of my control right now? for the first time in a very long time, i've been happy. consistently. i could get used to this quite quickly.

happiness like this could be quite contagious. i hope it is.

as of right now, only one thing concerns me: who am i going to go to dave matthews band with this year? i want to go to both saratoga shows, and camp out up there. so, anyone who likes dave, or camping, or both, let me know. tix will probably go on sale sometime around march 15th


jules was lost in thought at 5:55 PM
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Monday, January 23, 2006

back to school, back to school
to prove to dad i'm not a fool
i got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight
i hope i don't get in a fight
back to school, back to school!

so classes have started again at UConn. joy of joys. here's the rundown:
creative writing: i adore the professor, since i had her last semester. i know she's a peach... but this class is going to be a snoozer. must.... stay.... awake. and it's at 11am... early by my standards
intro to architecture: coolness. but since its right after creative writing, i'll have to buck up, buy an espresso, and hope to god i dont get caught dozing.
american lit to 1880: completely unplanned, but pick AND liv are in this class with me. awesomeness. the professor is sarcastic, cynical, and totally talks down on religion. my kinda guy.
publishing: taught by leigh grossman (author of the red sox fan handbook... yay sox!). very informative, kinda drags, but will be good shit. not to mention james is in that class. yay!
short story: my professor is INSANE, and i love it. he's passionate about the topic, unorthodox, and has been a journalist for 32 years. yay for people who know what they're talking about.

goals for the semester: go to at least 75% of my classes. keep up with reading. don't work too much. don't drink too much, either.

so yeah, thats about it. work's going well, classes should be a hoot this semester, and i think i finally kicked the insomnia. things are definetly on the up and up.

oh, AND i finally got my iPod hooked up and running. how i ever lived without that 4"x2" magic music box is beyond me.

jules was lost in thought at 11:10 PM
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Saturday, January 07, 2006


you need to start visiting me at work. i'm starting to feel like a major loser that no one wants to come visit me at work and eat sushi and get drunk and whatnot. you would think the offer of free drinks would be more than enough to convinve all you alkies down, but APPARENTLY not, so looks like we're gonna bust out the emergency tactics... blowjobs to all? ***insert sarcastic voice, for the love of god***

on a random note, i get to PERSONALLY design the signature sauce for the new and improved angelino's in bristol, and the owner is seriously entertaining the idea of naming the restaurant after me. how insane is that?! they're paying me $200 to come down for 2 hours to taste test and help them make a new red sauce, along with a $100 gift card to the new branch. the owner loved the idea of naming the restaurant after me, too... though "julieanna's" would look really long in red lights. they'd probably fiddle with it and go with "juliana's". but STILL how cool would that be to have a restaurant named after me?!?!

in review: come visit me at koji, fuckers, before i'm rich and famous with my own branch of restaurants and you have to say "i knew her when..."

jules was lost in thought at 4:28 AM
(1) comments

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

happy new year to all!

this past monday morning, January 1st, was my last shift at bertucci's.
april 15, 2002- january 1, 2006. almost four years of my life devoted to one place. at times i hated it, at times, it was my haven. all in all, it was my home away from home.

i really didnt want to leave, but my time there had come. i already knew i was giving my two-week, but i thought it wouldnt be until much later. i was planning on sticking around until chuck got back to southington and took over the GM spot... but seeing as that isnt going to happen, i was done.

it was peculiar. as i left, andrew looked at me, and with the most serious face i've ever seen said "you dont want to go, do you?"
"no, i don't"
"then don't. you dont have to leave."
"yes i do. i have to prove this to myself."

and i left. and that was that. i cried as i pulled out, which was unusual for me because i've never been prone to crying at all, but understandable, since i'm closing a huge chapter to my life. working there has, overall, been more important to me than any other longterm experience thus far. that building holds so many memories for me. i grew up there.

in celebration of my last day, dave and i snuck ourselves some jose shots from the bar... after all, what would the managers possibly do if we were found out... fire me?!

jules was lost in thought at 1:52 AM
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