
name: julieanna
alias[es]: julie, jules, stretch, gazelle, elkie, tall girl, boss, string bean, mabel (or was it myrtle?..), jolly green giant
starsign: stereotypical sagittarius
birthday: november 29th.

here's all you need to know:
6' tall.
beer snob.
reforming insomniac.
oh, and my legs are longer than yours.

my favorites

post secret
my inspiration
waiter rant

in a nutshell:
the good...
... and the bad
flickr pics
myspace = addiction

shameless plugs:
dp226 (jim)
ayyyy dios mio! (bradley)
the easily amused (james)
tell me a story... (noelle)

requisite viewing =p :
particle man


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Sunday, May 15, 2005

so its been a week since my last rant. this is damned near unacceptable for someone that used to post her daily trivial rants and raves for the world to read. well, ob the flip side of things, anyone who has spoken to me in the past week knows exactly what i have been up to. yes thats right ladies and gentlemen... i have been recooperating from a right foot fractural bunionoscopy. for those who have no clue what i just said, allow me to break it down for you.

i have grandma feet. the type of feet only 90 year old women who work on farms their entire life have the right to have. what makes me say that? let's go through the list, shall we? i have arthritis in my feet. this alone qualifies me for the Senior Farmer of the Year Award in Plainville. We wont get into too many of the grimy details, as i fear some of you may develop a scathing fear of my feet, much in the same way my sister lydia has (okay, she doesnt discriminate. she hates all feet, but that's hardly consoling). Suffice to say that the bones in my feet are misaligned and i had a bunion that could rival ross perot's nose. The combination of these three things would make normal activities like, oh say walking, excrutiating after about a half hour. Work has been a grueling task for the past three years; the only relief coming from flipflops or, ideally barefootedness (is that even a word?). I've done a good enough of a job of hiding the pain... all that walked endlessly with me on spring weekend would never had known the difference. see, and everyone just thought i don't go to the gym because i'm too damn lazy! But it was getting too much to bear. So, my options were either move to san diego, where i could live flipflops eternally and be comfortable or have surgery. unfortunetly for me, the former of the options is completely unfeasible. lets be honest, to live in san diego, you need to know how to surf. i cant afford surfing lessons, so surgery was my only option.

in leui of saving you from the squirm, i'll tell you all the lovely details. I had approximetly an inch of bone shaved from my foot, at the joint of the big toe. my big toe was broken and set back into my tweaked toe socket. i also had the main bone running from that joint to my ankle broken and readjusted, as the bunion had skewed the angle it had grown in. This was the cause of my arthritic pain. as a result of the surgery, i have a 3 inch slice on the side of my foot (stitched up, of course) and a hook sticking out of the top of my foot. the hook is only about a quarter of an inch, and it's holding my broken bone in place so it sets properly. of course, you can't see any of this, as it is all wrapped up. but the surgeon DID take pictures, so i'll get those to you guys as soon as possible. i also plan on taking a camera to my unraveling, as it should promise to be a fairly nasty site. after all, how often do you see a tiny little hook sticking out of the top of someone's foot?! if any of the previous details have confused you, just ask me to show you. my left and right feet are like a big before-and-after... it's actually kinda cool.

as to no one's great suprise, this whole process is incredibly painful. my doctors of course took care of me on that end of things. julie has been sustaining herself on percocets and oxycodone. before you ask, no i don't have any more percocets for sale (check back with me about the oxycodone though in a week :p). my docs actually gyped me on the percs.... i'm out :( this is particularly disheartening considering i am still in a great deal of pain. hey, no complaining about being a pussy with the pain either! you wouldnt be feeling so hot if a chunk of your bone had been sawed off! oh, in case you needed to be told, i'm on the oxycodone now. these drugs actually arent as fun as one mght think. the percocets are fabulous, dont get me wrong. they alleviate the pain and make you feel just splendid all over. even if it did hurt, you wouldnt care. the oxycodone are different. much different. they dont really alleviate the pain, though my doctors claim it is the stronger of the two. instead, if makes me incredibly tired, dizzy, sick to my stomach. for the most part, nothing can hod my attention. i feel twitchy, but too tired to do anything about it. all i want to do is sleep. i suppose thats a good thing in this state, but even coming down from the drugginess is sickening. i dont understand how people can be addicted to these things. i dread the pain in my foot now. beig out of percocets, the oxycodone are my only option. at this rate, i'd almost rather deal with the pain.

okay, i've babbled enough on this particular post. i'll continue with the drug-induced ramblings.
until next time...

jules was lost in thought at 11:49 PM

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